Chin Augmentation

When to Have an Augmentation Mentoplasty?
Which is the ideal chin?
To calculate the ideal size of the chin, Dr. Paulo A. Escobar will perform a photographic study of your profile on the first consultation and obtain the dimensions of your ideal chin with a computerized perfilometric study. It is important to assess the patient's occlusion (the way that you bite), because there are cases in which a maxillofacial procedure is necessary instead of an augmentation implant.
How is the chin size augmented?
To augment the size of the chin we will use an implant of a synthetic material called silastic. Based on the prior perfilometric study, Dr. Paulo A. Escobar will costumize the implant in proportion to the patient. This way we can achieve a costumized implant that will adapt perfectly to the patient's face.
What should you know about the surgery?
Chin surgery in Bogota, Colombia is performed under intravenous general anesthesia, and it can be combined with a rhinoplasty. This procedure takes one hour approximately. The surgery consists of introducing the implant between the muscle and the bone of the chin, for which we will use a 1,5-cm incision at the level of the mucous membrane of the bottom lip.
Once the implant has been introduced in the pocket that we have previously designed between the bone and the muscle, we will close the incision with absorbable sutures that will disappear after a few days. Upon finalizing the intervention, a small dressing with micropore is placed. It will be removed 3 to 4 days later. The recovery of the mentoplasty is fast, less than 10 days you are almost fully recovered.
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